
    Date: 09/07/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My printer is being a whore.

    HP photosmart 2710 all in one, scanner, fax, printer deal. I only use the scanner and printer.
    I used to use the feature where you could put a memory card into the appropriate slot and it would transfer to the computer.
    about a month ago that feature ceased to work. I put the card in the printer and the printer recognized that there were pictures on it but wouldn't let me transfer them to the computer.
    Starting HP director and trying to transfer images via memory card doesnt work either. it insists that there is "no memory card in the image device" when the most definately is

    tonight I reinstalled everything...and still... the problem persists. I can still transfer images using the cord that came with my camera....but...that's kind of a pain.

    any help would be utterly fantastic.


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