un-installable software ..

    Date: 09/14/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I just got a new comp a couple of days ago. It's a dell dimention 4400, running windows XP home.

    Everything is fine, except for the fact that when I looked in the add/remove programs box, NOTHING that was installed was there. There are a bunch of programs that it came with that do not have a uninstaller and arent in the list .. how the heck do I uninstall them?

    here's the picure of the ones I want to install (some were blurred out because I don't want to uninstall them.)

    --> http://i1.sell.com/0/121/46531/40/146/2631236-m.jpg

    NONE of those programs appear in the add/remove window. There doesn't seem to be a way to remove them. And, I know deleting them would just leave bits and pieces everywhere, and I don't want that.

    I find it odd a new comp would have this problem .. I hardly did anything to it besides set up the internet so I can post this problem.

    Suggestions/thoughts/help would be appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/685338.html

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