Firefox keyboard shortcut problem

    Date: 10/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    When I'm using firefox and I'm typing something (on forums, or a LJ reply or whatever) sometimes when I hit the apostrophe key it brings up the FIND box at the bottom of the screen. Then whatever I'm typing goes into the find box. So I click back on whatever I was typing before, and try to finish my abreviation, only to get the damn find box again.

    Looking at the keyboard shortcuts, it says this about the wonderful ' key: "Find As You Type Link"


    Find as I type a link? What the hell does that mean? I certainly wasn't typing a URL link.. and I wasn't talking about any of the Zelda adventures or anything! :)

    If I knew what I was accidently doing to trigger this, I could presumably undo it.


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