Wireless Woes

    Date: 10/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: google

    I have a Gateway laptop with Windows XP. One day, the wireless in our apt. was working fine, but it "flickered" out for a second, and then my computer refused to reconnect to it. My roomate's went back on no problem, but mine, nope.

    It can see the wireless, but it refuses to connect to ours, saying it cannot acquire a network address. Now, here's the weird part. I can connect to anyone else's, aka all the unsecured wireless within good range in our building, it finds those no problem and lets me connect, and I went home this weekend and it connected right up with no problems to my dad's wireless.

    I am computer illiterate, so any suggestions need to be said in layman's terms, please. I'm thinking it has something to do with the IP addresses, but i'm not quite sure where this problem lies and have NO clue how to fix it. I've googled it, and there's plenty of solutions, but I have no clue how to even start! Help!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/692787.html

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