Nothing works anymore

    Date: 03/14/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I've considered selling my (nothing fancy) digital camera and USB video capture card because nothing works on my computer anymore. I used to use all kinds of "external" things - webcam, jam cam, dazzle dvc, sony netMD, etc. Now all my stupid computer does is try to tell me that these devices aren't connected but they ARE!!!!! If you go into properties everything says it's working. It also won't play audio cd's because it thinks the CD drive isn't connected either!! OH REALLY!?!?! Because I can run programs and burn CD's without any problem!!! But nooooooooooooooo, nothing's connected..... The jam cam is never connected.... the video capture is never connected.... Piece of crap!!! :( What am I supposed to do???


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