Thanks in advance!

    Date: 10/08/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: html

    This is what is going on now. On this laptop we are able to get online and browse via dial up and when we connect the dsl line directly to the laptop. We cannont browse using the wireless, we even tried connecting to wireless router of a different brand at another location. This is what happens. We are able to actually connect,(it says we are connected and signal strenght etc) we cannot browse or run anything else that need a connection. So any ideas? Thanks!
    Oh its a Compaq Presario V2552US

    Original post:
    I reformatted my laptop a few days ago, its a low end compaq presario..
    I've never had trouble connecting to my wireless network.
    I input all the IP adresses and such, and it shows that its connected, I also pinged the router, and it had a response. So, as far as communication between the router and computer it was..
    But if i try and run any internet application,Internet Explorer, Itunes.. It doesn't function.
    I also notice that in the Network Connections folder of other computer on the network, a icon titled "internet gateway" is displayed, where as on my laptop, it isn't
    I am really at a loss as to what to do
    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
    (actually typed by my son, so thanks)
    X posted to
    Ya I am not fancy with the html stuff.....


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