looking for a computer / TV desk (all in one)

    Date: 10/11/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I realize this is probably a dumb question .. but I wanted to know, do they even make desks specially for your computer AND tv?

    what I mean is, not just a regular desk you would put your computer and TV on. I mean a desk that is a TV stand and a computer desk combined into one .. sounds odd, I know, but i've been looking for something like that and I can't seem to find anything.

    Here is just a simple mock-up of what i'm looking for (I made it in ms paint, so it sucks, but oh well, it's just a general idea of what i'm looking for.)

    click: http://i2.sell.com/0/121/46531/41/108/2686023-l.jpg

    Thanks for any help. ;)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/695306.html

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