System fonts going crazy

    Date: 10/15/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a neat collection of fonts on my laptop and wanted to transfer them to my PC. As you can't replace the font order or delete its content and I was too lazy picking out the fonts I already had, I just copied them all, dragged them to the PC-font-folder and skipped every time Windows told me that this font had been already installed. I didn't delete or overwrite any of the original fonts I had, though.

    Now, after I did this my laziness was punished with the following problem that occurs to me in some of my windows. For example the AntiVir updater.

    Other examples are the saving window of Photoshop and the Flickr-uploader, which is usually a small window but now is bloated up to full screen size (screenshot is shrunk to a manageable size).

    Thanks for any help!

    Crossposted to '[info]'computerhelp


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