Vizard/Graphics Card

    Date: 10/14/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: programming, software

    I have been offered work on programming the Python half of a motion capture project using World Viz's Vizard software. I downloaded a trial copy of the software until my employer gets me a license for the full version. As I am running through the tutorial, my processor runs between 0% and 4% usage. As soon as I run the script, though, my processor seems to get bogged down by the 3D graphics and maxes out at 100%. My frame rate is under 5fps, sometimes dropping even below 1fps! In wireframe mode I can get it up to about 15 or 20fps.

    I run Windows XP Home on a MSI K8N Neo Platinum motherboard, AMD Athlon 64 3000+ processor, 1GB of DDR333 clocking at 166Mhz(?), and my graphics card is an older Radeon 7500 64MDDR.

    Would upgrading my video card take some (or all) of this load off of my processor and allow me to move freely through my 3D environment?

    If so, can somebody suggest a good graphics card for gaming/development? My only requirement used to be dual-display support, but now with programming/3D modelling I realize I'm going to need a bigger punch.

    Any help appreciated.

    (Cross-posted to gamedevelopers and Computerhelp)


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