Dvd burning

    Date: 11/04/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello. A question about burning dvds when you only have one cd-rom drive.
    Our stupid computer technician didn't put the 2nd drive in when he repaired our computer and then said it's fine cause you can still burn dvds with only one drive. Unfortunately I haven't mastered this... and we got the damn computer fixed last year! :(
    So. How on Earth are you supposed to copy a dvd with only one cd-rom drive?
    For example, when I pop a dvd into the drive, a folder opens and it says: D:/ and has two other folders in that folder which are labelled: AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS.
    Audio folder is empty and Video folder has a whole bunch of files.
    Please help me. Thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/705735.html

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