Two Problems

    Date: 12/01/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    I use XP and recently on Firefox I can't access Windows live mail.
    When I go to it it says
    The Windows Live Network is unavailable from this site for one of the following reasons:

    * This site may be experiencing a problem
    * The site may not be a member of the Windows Live Network

    You can:

    * You can sign in or sign up at other sites on the Windows Live Network, or try again later at this site.

    but it works for other people. I've tried clearing my cache and it doesn't work.

    Also, today I was on MSN messenger and someone sent me a link. Stupidly, I clicked on it and I now have a trojan virus.
    What should I do?
    I use nortan but it had some message : we can't do anything about it sort of thing.



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