can anyone help?

    Date: 12/31/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: java, web, google

    I own a Motorola V551 phone on Cingular.... ive googled and searched forums, but i CANNOT get this to work..i downloaded a .rar file of Java games for Motorola phones, and for the life of me, i cant get them to transfer to the phone... ihave all the programs that the people in forums say to have... i.e.- p2kman, PST, MPT, p2k Commander...

    I know i cant transfer them with the bluetooth, so i borrowed a cable from a friend....i spent over 6 hours searching and messing with the various programs to no avail.....

    Can anyone help or point me to a website or LJ community that can help with STEP BY STEP instrutions?


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