good video editing software...

    Date: 12/31/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    i am in need of some good video editing software. i am sick of having to use like 4 programs to do what i want! i have a digital camera that takes video in .mov format. i need to edit that down (cut off the ends) and maybe lighten the gamma a little sometimes, and convert that into a usable .flv file that's relatively small, like youtube does. i have found that if i uploaded the .mov file directly to youtube, the sound and picture are off so i don't want that.

    i installed a flash movie player on my site and i downloaded all the stuff i had previously uploaded to youtube and each file (about 3 minutes) was less than 10mb. whenever i try to use a program to convert to .flv (i have tried a number: riva, winmpgconvert, supersomething) it either doesn't let me edit the file (ie cut off the beginning and end) or the output is huge (50mb or more) or both. sooooooooooooo i would like software that can do all this for me!

    sorry if this is confusing! thanks for your help in advance!


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