having a problem with 'save as' dialog boxes

    Date: 01/16/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi, i'm Running Windows XP home.

    The "Save as/Open File" Dialog box seems to stall/lag when saving files. It doesn't appear in just some programs, it appears in windows save as boxes too.

    Anyone know how I can fix that? it never did that before (it used to save instantly) and it's definately not supposed to freeze like that. When I want to save a file, like for instance, in Editpad or notepad, when I press the 'Save' button, it takes 15 seconds or more to save the file, and after I press it, it appears to freeze, then it saves.

    I appreciate any help. ;)

    posted to computer_help, computerhelp

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/736389.html

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