Page cannot be displayed?

    Date: 01/17/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web


    For the past five days or so, the ONE website that hasn't been loading on my computer is Deviantart. Now, I frequently use this site, and why it's suddenly shunning me, I have no idea. Everytime I attempt to visit this site, I get your average "this page cannot be displayed" error. I've had friends visit the site, and they all say it works perfectly for them.

    I'm running on Internet Explorer 7.0(and Netscape, which it also won't work in), and I'm pretty sure I've tried everything. I've deleted cookies and temporary internet files. I've even tried resetting the brower. The site isn't blocked either as far as I can tell. I'm not sure, but is it possible that I've had my IP address banned for some reason? If so, is there any way to verify this?

    Help?XD Thanks very much.


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