Error: System Too Good For Your Paltry Games

    Date: 01/18/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    At least that's the general idea behind the reason (or so I'm told) I can't seem to get sound when installing my old games on my Windows XP.

    Once many, many moons ago, I received this new and completely awesome game for Christmas called Wolfenstein 3D. Y'know, the one game that pretty much made first-person shooters as popular as they are today. Recently I rediscovered my beloved game and put it on my Windows XP Home lappy. It runs completely fine, but I can't get any of the music or the sound (save for that annoying PC sound effect option, which sounds more like my computer crashing than anything else) to run. In a nutshell, I was told by more computer saavy persons than myself that it's because today's computers are too advanced for it to run the unforgettable MIDI music score and the breathtaking sound effects. Some sort of reverse engineering from what I gather.

    My question is this: if what I'm saying makes sense and this isn't just a personal phenomenom, is there some download somewhere that can fix this or something I can do to get mah music back? Because playing that game without the proper music/sound effects is a real downer and makes the experience far less stellar.


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