Questions for the extremely savvy =)

    Date: 01/19/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Alright, so I'm what you might call...semi-computer savvy. I mean, I know more about computers than most everyone else I know, but I come crawling to you begging for advice!
    I'm looking to buy a laptop, somewhere around August or September of this year. I've been looking around, and I think I might have taken a liking to the HP Dv6000T notebook. But getting it with all the fancy gadgets I want, it'll presently cost around $1600. 

    I'm wondering, is HP a good choice? Should I splurge and get the best of everything I can for my laptop? How much memory is enough? Should I wait for the price to go down, or by then will it be useless and outdated?
    I have a dell dimension 2350 desktop, and half the time I feel like throwing it out the window. It's slow, it freezes all the time and I can barely run Itunes and internet at the same time. Who wants to live with that? Anyhow, I'll mostly be using my notebook for Word, watching movies, downloading, and surfing the internet. Speed and multitasking capabilities are very important to me.

    And, is anyone coming out with new, cutting-edge stuff that I might be interested in waiting on? Better processors, or something? I've heard rumors about something called a Quad core, but I haven't been able to find much on it. Are they going to have those for laptops any time soon? 

    Any advice at all you have would be greatly appreciated by me. =)


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