Identity/proxy troubles

    Date: 01/24/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, browser, java

    Um… I need some help here.
    There is this persistent hacker who has been hacking me for some time now. A friend of mine told me download a software which would veil my IP address so said hacker couldn’t find me anymore. Ok. I did that. (Steganos Internet Anonym 2006).
    Now the thing with this software is … just about everything. If I turn on the IP-blocking, none of the pages in my browser open. O.o
    None of the other blocking options (like cookies, Java Script, etc.) are switched on, so I think it might have to do with the IP-blocking itself.
    I am a total loser when it comes to IP and identity, and I don’t have a clue as to how to use proxy servers.
    Does anyone know this software? And if yes, what am I doing wrong? Any tips?
    And would this even prevent hackers from finding me and hacking my real IP? I really don’t have a clue.

    Well. I know the hacker’s IP, and have put it into the block-list of my firewall. (I have Norton 2005 on Windows XP right now, and last month I used Zone Alarm.)
    Yeah. Sorry about the onslaught of questions, but I’m kind of … well. Desperate… and annoyed.

    Tips and help would be greatly appreciated.


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