unknown update box

    Date: 01/27/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: html, microsoft

    as posted to '[info]'computerhelp: my parents computer has started getting this dialog box constantly: whether you hit yes or no, nothing happends,, except it reappearing after a random ammount of time. i have run scans with avg, adaware, and spybot, and nothing they find appears related or affects it. i had the task manager tell me what process created the box, and it points me to explorer.exe. and also if i end task the box, i get this: makes no sence for it to be from microsoft since they have that entire automatic updating system.. and there was no priority updates anyway other than ie7. anyone know what this might be and how to get rid of it? (and something happened to lj's html formatting, sorry if this is hard to read)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/740096.html

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