webcam drama

    Date: 02/12/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, web

    I need serious help, guys. I'm completely clueless about what to do.

    Less than a year ago I purchased a Packard Bell Platinum XI, with the Windows '98 program installed on it.

    The woman who sold it to me threw in everything that she used with it, including a webcam. The webcam is nondescript. It's about an inch to 1 1/2 inch long, with a little black screen on the front and the Packard Bell symbol on the top. On the bottom is a sticker with some identification numbers or something of the like.

    The thing plugs in just fine into the back of the tower...I just have no idea how to turn it on! There's no on/off switch on the actual webcam. Any search I make on my computer to figure out how to activate it comes up empty. There's no program for it, no indication that it has been used on this computer before.

    Please help! Is there a software program that I need or something?


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