The perils of internet sharing in halls

    Date: 02/21/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    This is probably a bit disjointed, because I don't have all the information, but here's everything I know about The Internet Problem That Ate Floor 3...

    I live in a uni hall. In everyone's room there's a place to plug an ethernet cable. The idea is that you just plug it in and away you go, but from the beginning of the month, for seemingly no reason, the internet's stopped working. No-one can access it. We can, however, see each other's shared files.

    More info:

    -floors 3 and 4 are apparently on the same router: we're the only ones with no internet.

    -BT engineers have come round several times and apparently they say nothing's wrong with it. They've replaced the router once: after that it worked for about a day and then went down again.

    -I am told by the folk in the downstairs office that the floor 3/4 router is kept in a box with no ventilation holes, unlike the other router for the other floors. At first they thought the router was overheating, but apparently the BT people said that wasn't so. They never replaced the box, though.

    -whenever someone reboots the router, it works for a bit and then a few hours later the internet promptly goes down again.

    And.......that's all I know. But man is it annoying. Any ideas?


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