Internet Problems D:

    Date: 02/22/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, spyware

    The other evening at about 3:20 I decided to go to sleep for a while, so I turned off the monitor to my computer.

    When I woke up, I turned on my monitor, and my computer was frozen. So I restarted.

    After the restart, Norton came up. Which it doesn't usually do. And it starts getting all active in what I'm doing. 'Allow Internet Explorer to access the Internet?' and all that. Well I can't say I was displeased with that, until I tried to get rid of the icon, which was annoying me.

    Anyway, I don't remember what the sequence of events was exactly, but, I ran Ad-Adware, Hijack This, and Spybot Search & Destroy, and got rid of a lot of spyware and stuff. My Internet wasn't connecting, so I restarted, and it wouldn't connect and I tried to fix it, and I restarted again, and blah blah, eventually it connected BUT.. nothing will come up in Firefox. Only Internet Explorer.

    Any ideas?

    Things I have already tried, NONE of which have worked:

    1. Downloading another alternate browser (Avant).
    2. Checking for and downloading all new Windows updates.
    3. Reinstalling Firefox.
    4. Checking firewall settings. Firefox and Avant were checked on the Exceptions list.

    I really have no idea what to do. And I found out that my torrent program isn't connecting me to any torrents, either. =/


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