Page not found - without even trying.

    Date: 02/25/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: spyware, google

    My in-laws are running WinXP with a 56k modem. Both IE and Firefox will attempt to load a page for a split-second and then frequently return the error message that the page cannot be found. Even fast sites like Google will fail to load; or rather, the system fails to even attempt to look for them.

    Formerly you had to re-attempt to load the page several times to get it to load. After cleaning up spyware and all that the computer will now load one page with no problem, but attempting to load two at once results in the second page not being found. Ditto if you're downloading something and attempt to load a page.

    What causes this? Is there some data-transmission timeout I can adjust? Is there a problem with the DNS server, not that I know much about that? How can it be stopped?


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