Wierd, but annoying problem

    Date: 04/07/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, web

    Having just found this comm, I have to say thank god! I hate joining to post in different for help ):

    that said, I have a really wierd problem when using IE Explorer. I just installed the latest version for IE not too long ago, but this was happening with the older version aswell.

    The problem is that when I'm typing in a web url and don't include the "www." an error will occur with the internet browser and all my windows will close.

    example, if I was trying to vist livejournal I couldn't type "livejournal.com" I'd have to type out the full "www.livejournal.com," otherwise an error would occur.

    Not the biggest, most damaging problem out there but still annoying none-the-less.

    Help would be greatly appreciated!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/765791.html

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