IMAP vs Outlook! FIGHT!

    Date: 03/25/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    On the mail server, I have my inbox and other folders. Everything was fine, until one day Outlook would crash just opening up. Before it did though, I caught a glimpse of all these weird folders. Right-click Outlook icon -->Properties --> IMAP tab --> Root Folder Path. In there, I put INBOX. Now Outlook does not crash and my inbox shows up.

    Highlight Inbox --> Tools --> IMAP Folders...
    Uncheck "When displaying hierarchy in Outlook, show only subscribed folders."
    Click "Query."

    Nothing shows up.

    If I use the web interface, my folders are still there and unchanged. The weird thing is with the Root Folder Path. No matter what I put in there (currently it's "asfsafsdfsfd"), the situation is stable: Inbox, but no other folders. If I leave it blank, it crashes Outlook and you see this:

    Click to see the screenshot.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


« Just Out of Curiosity || No sound »

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