No sound

    Date: 03/25/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Now that it seems like the problem was just the power supply and my computer seems to be stable and not shut off... I don't have any sound!! I've installed it over a dozen times and in the properties, it says it's working, there's nothing wrong, but there's just no sound!!! Most programs won't play videos because it says there's no sound card, I cna only watch stuff through Divx because it will let you just play video without the sound. but it's really pissing me off to not have any sound. Should I just get a sound card (even though the on-board worked before I swapped power supplies) or would that be a waste of money and not work either? The cheapest ones I can find are C-Media which is what the onboard is and I don't trust C-Media becuase it doesn't effing work now. >:(


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