Uninstalling programs

    Date: 06/17/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I need a way or program to help me uninstall another program without using the corresponding uninstallation program that the original program came with, if that makes any sense. Here's my situation:

    I got this laptop a year ago (Dell Inspiron 6400), and on it came the Sonic MyDVD studio thing. There was an issue, and I had to reinstall but of course I wasn't given the CDs with my laptop so I tried to fix it otherwise. I attempted to uninstall, but I think that crashed halfway through or something (this was all a bunch of months ago), so now when I try to uninstall again it tells me that it can't find the appropriate network resource, MyDVD.MSI, to uninstall.

    I've contacted Dell and they've been completely lovely in sending me all of the CDs I need to reinstall and a bunch I don't think I'll ever use, but are fun to gloat about regardless. However, I can't reinstall the DVD burning portion without installing the previous! I got the MSI file from the installation CD and pasted it somewhere in hopes that directing the uninstall to it would work, but to no avail. I need to remotely uninstall this program without the need for MSI files. The little programs that came with it in the first time (some Audio thing, some Copy thing) uninstalled and reinstalled fine, it's just the MyDVD Studio - what I need - that has to go.

    Is there a way to do this? I want to uninstall it without using anything like Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. I'm XP, SP2. Is there a program available that I can use to clean my computer of all of the corresponding files and the like, so it's as if they never exused?

    Thank you!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/789515.html

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