media problem.

    Date: 06/19/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, web

    for some reason my computer will not play anything past the first minute(if that) of a youtube video or a song on myspace. it usually gets to an intro and then the sound stops. however, youtube and myspace say that the song/video is still playing. or with youtube it will play a few seconds and then the end thing that asks if you want to watch the video again pops up. if i push to watch it again it does the exact same thing.
    i have updated my flash player, because i thought that's what it was at first. that apparently made no difference.
    i uninstalled and then reinstalled firefox. the problem also happens in plain internet explorer
    i tried to update my windows music player and it won't let me. i don't know why.
    i uninstalled everything i had installed in the past week, which about when this fuckery started.the things i had installed were flickr uploader, bear share, and lastfm scrobbler.
    the computer does play my itunes and music/movies from my computer, just not from websites. it allows my itunes to play podcasts,but not stream radio that is not from itunes.
    how do i fix it?
    do i need to reformat my computer?

    my computer is an hp pavillion a347x. i have windows xp. my virus protection is pretty up to date.i tried to dnld avgfree, but it won't let me.


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