memory eater?

    Date: 06/19/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus

    'night everyone. so heres the problem. today i was working in some photoshop thing and when i tried to save it it show a message saiyng that it couldnt be saved because there was no memory in the scratch disk. i didnt understand so i checked the C:\ memory and it showed smtnhg like 380 Mb!! and just a few minutes before it was 2.50 ~~ Gb!!! sooo i couldnt possibly fill my memory in such a small gap of time, neither could i because i didnt put more files at all! i moved some files to D:\ and it eased a litlle. but sometime later there was no memory again, something like 7,9 Mb! now however it turned to 3,20 ~Gb again... wht the hell happened? is some virus playing with my memory?
    plz help !!

    thanks *


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