My PC is being dinged relentlessly from

    Date: 06/22/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    IPs in the 24.64 range. All kinds of addresses on the third and fourth nodes. I have Norton set to let me know when something is looking for a port, and to let me know when my PC is trying something outbound (auto updates, etc.). I also have Norton set to "learn" what I don't want. They all say "allow always" recommended, but I select "block always" - with thousands of possibilities, I just don't want to be interrupted that much.

    Trouble is, how do I find out why this particular IP is trying so much? I get maybe 10 hits a day from other ranges, but this one group is about 30 hits an hour. I'm on a cable ISP, by the way.

    Since I really do not know what I'm doing, I'm thinking of having Geeks on Call come in to work the PC over. I use SpyBot twice a week to clean things up, and do Norton and Windows checks for updates nearly daily - full scan twice a week.

    I got six hits while typing this entry. grrrrrrrr


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