"scrolling" with the up and down arrow

    Date: 06/23/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a Sony Vaio VGN-A790 desktop replacement (basically a stand notebook computer with a larger screen, not your run of the mill laptop that you carry everywhere).

    I had put my eighteen-month-old nephew down to bed in my room with The Brave Little Toaster playing on the computer. I snuck out after he fell asleep. When I came in to check on him, he was sitting at my desk and there were a ton of windows open (none of them had anything to do with Firefox) - so he was just hitting keys. The calculator was open, he had sent a few random IMs, and had managed to open Paint Shop Pro.

    Now when I try to scroll in Firefox using the up and down arrows, it's not working. They will bring me either to the direct top or direct bottom of the page (acting as a page up or page down) instead of just scrolling down (or up) a little bit at a time. This happened before and I never did figure out how to fix it... When I had my hard drive reformatted (don't let roommates use your things!!), it worked fine so I've been happy for months. But, now,... UGH!


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/792320.html

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