External Hard Drive Question

    Date: 07/09/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Something has gone wrong with either my external drive or the ports in my laptop. One day when I was hanging out with my girlfriend at her house, I was sitting on her bed and using my laptop, when her dog ran in and started jumping and walking all over it. When I kicked her out, I noticed my music stop playing, and Windows Media Player wasn't able to access any of the files. It turns out that my external was still plugged in, but for some reason it wasn't connecting with the computer. Whenever I plug it in and push a little harder, the external will at least turn on, but the computer still won't access anything on it. I've tried it on a couple different computers, to the same result. My best guess is it's a loose connection in the external's cord, because I can still plug in my mouse to the USB ports. Can anybody confirm my estimate? Is this an easily repairable problem? Do stores sell just the cords for externals? I'd hate to have to get a new one because all my music (besides what I have on CD), pictures from school, movies, and a couple resumes are on this external.

    Thank you in advance!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/797015.html

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