Modem is in use

    Date: 07/10/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Edit: Nevermind. :) My old dinosaur allowed me to eviscerate her to do a little game of switch to see if that was the issue. It was. Everything is good now. Thank you.

    I was sitting around when all of a sudden my ISP spat back that I was disconnected from the internet. This isn't anything new. I usually get a "Juno could not contact its central computers" every 20 minutes or so and have to reconnect.

    This time it said my modem was already in use. I went ahead and restarted my pc, because that's fixed the problem before. No dice. Modem is still in use. Okay, so I turn off the pc, unplug the phone line and try to see if Juno will tell me that I don't have a dial tone. It still says that my modem is in use. I restart again and try a manual connection to see if Juno is the problem. Nope, that spits back that the modem is in use.

    I pop into the device manager and see that my modem is supposedly working fine. I poke around on the modem properties (pretending to know what I'm doing), and recieve that my COM3 port cannot be opened. Okay, I go down to the ports area in the device manager and notice that only my printer port is listed.

    Following the troubleshooter, I tried to reinstall the COM port, but that only installed COM4. I may not know much of what I'm doing but COM3 =/= COM4.

    I broke down and pulled out my older PC to check the phone line. I am online, so that says that it can't be my lines. Also, I've been online for way longer than 20 minutes. It feels sort of odd.


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