Problems with iTunes and My Music...

    Date: 07/12/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Some history: because I like to confuse myself, long ago I installed iTunes on my C drive, but all my music was stored on my external harddrive (drive F, for clarity).

    Recently I received a new internal harddrive. The IT guy at my mother's work offered to install it and 'ghost' (I think that's the word he used...) everything from my old C drive onto the new one.

    For some reason he changed my external drive F to drive H, and now iTunes is having problems. It won't let me uninstall or reinstall because the "My Pictures" folder 'contains an invalid character'. The guy who installed my new harddrive somehow changed the folder names from My Music to [my name]'s Music and My Pictures to [my name]'s Pictures, and whenever I try to edit them I get an error message saying "Cannot rename My Music: The source and destination file names are the same."

    Is there any way I can fix this? Being a university student who travels by bus, I basically live off of my iPod, and no new music would make me a very sad person...

    Sorry if this makes no sense at all, and thanks.


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