Recover files from old HD

    Date: 07/16/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My computer runs on Windows XP Pro, it used to work alright albeit a little slow since its quite old. I'm planning to replace it by the end of the month, but unfortunately, it seems to have decided to take an early retirement.

    After running Recovery Console and running chkdsk on C:/ it gave me the following message: "The volume appears to contain one or more unrecoverable problems."

    I ran DIR on the same directory, it gave me this message: "An error occurred during directory enumeration."

    I don't really mind if I can't get the old computer running again since I'm due to replace it anyway but I desperately want to save some files from that old HD. I'm thinking of taking it out and putting it inside an external HD enclosure so that I can try to access my files via another computer. Is this a good idea at all? Do the error messages above show any indication at all whether or not I can still recover my files?

    Any other suggestions would be really helpful.

    Thank in advance to anyone who can help.


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