An interesting issue

    Date: 07/12/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, database

    I was presented with a laptop that had been partitioned (supposedly by the manufacturer) in a very odd manner: 15GB C drive, 54GB D drive and the remainder of the 80GB drive as unpartitioned space.
    I needed to install a piece of software that has a minimum requirement of 20GB. This requirement included the estimated database size that would, ultimately, be user-generated. Obviously, 20GB is not available on a 15GB partition.
    So, I used Acronis to image all the partitions on the drive and then I re-partioned the drive to a single volume. When I restore the image from the original C partition to the new C partition everything goes fine. I set the new partition to be the active partition (e.g. boot-able) and all the data appears to get restored fine. Except for one issue, after re-booting, it will not boot. It claims it cannot boot the to partition and that my hardware configuration is wrong.
    After trying this a few time with various different settings all recieving the same result I thought about doing a "dirty" restore. So I did. I installed a clean version of windows (XP Pro) to the disk and then I did a restore over the windows directory. At first glimpse, this worked.... but it has different issues. All the data and settings seemed to carry over but my wireless settings are not correct (in fact the services associated with them are not even running) and a program that uses audio will also not run. I am also having issues with the user-content synchronization with the server (even on the wired network, which works even though I cannot get to the settings).

    I know I should have written down the exact boot error message, but I figured I would be able to solve the issue....

    Anyone have any thoughts? I really do not want to have to manually restore all the files and install all the programs from scratch unless I absolutely have to.



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