Grr. Driver Issues

    Date: 07/25/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    OK, Here's the scoop.

    One of my users had a computer. The PSU blew and took the MB with it (for whatever reason).
    I do not have the parts kicking around to replace these so I went and grabbed the cheapest machine I could from the nearby Best Buy to get a machine back up and running as quickly as possible.

    The problem is that the machine had Vista on it.
    The user has applications that are needed that do not yet have Vista versions and the XP versions do not run right in Vista.

    The machine I bought has XP drivers on the eMachines website, but they do not work.
    Changing OSs is not supported by eMachines support. (why do they provide XP driers, expecially ones that do not work?)

    I used the Belarc System Advisor to get the part number of the MB and then went to the manufacturer's website to see if they have XP drivers. They do not, Vista only.

    The part number is mcp61pm2ma and it claims the manufacturer is Gateway.

    Anyone know where I can get drivers for this board for XP?


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