Internet Pages Failing to Load

    Date: 08/03/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I've been having a strange problem the past few days.

    I turn on my computer, click on Internet Explorer, my home page loads, I can do everything I usually do, open multiple pages, all works fine. I walk away to get lunch or whatever. When I come back no matter what I try to do - refresh a page, open a new website, click on something on a page that is up - I get the "cannot find server" or "page failed to load" error page. I hit refresh a few times, keep getting the error, then a minute or so later everything is back to normal and I can continue using all the pages that I had up.

    So basically it's like for a minute or so after every time I come back from not using the computer the connection is stalled. I never have to restart or turn my modem on or off. It does come back on it's own.

    Any idea what is causing this?

    I'm running Windows XP, using a DSL connection, one computer only, using IE.

    The only new thing I know has been installed is Sonic Wall Global VPN client but I'm not using that at all when this error is occurring. I still think maybe somehow this is causing it but I can't figure out how to go about checking that. I have Windows Task Manager up and Sonic Wall is not listed in the applications or processes, but it is listed on the networking tab.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.


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