Battery help!

    Date: 08/07/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi! I hope some people can help with a battery problem I have been having. I have a Windows XP home edition dell laptop. For the second time my battery would not charge and the light would be yellow all the time and if my charger in the back of my computer ever my computer would shut down and not work of the battery.  And then finally even when my charger was plugged in my computer turned off completely, and when I turned it back on the battery orange light was flashing. I took the battery out I no longer have this problem, but still have to keep my charger plugged in to my computer. So basically the battery is not charging for some reason eve though it is connected to my charger and computer and it was new. Any help on what is wrong with my battery and how to fix it?

    x posted in computersupport


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