Hi, if anyone can help me.

    Date: 08/23/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, google

    I am going really crazy on this blue screen error message, and maybe someone has had a similar problem, and can help me.

    When I start the computer it gives me this error Stop: 0x0000008e ( 0x0000005, 0x8064641a, 0xf8b4caa0, 0x00000000)

    I can't not load on safe mode, when I try it gives me a similar message Stop:0X0000007B (0xf8b4d528, 0XC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

    I can load the computer when it says Last Known Good Configuration( Your most recent settings that worked)

    I tried running a virus scan with Norton, and it wouldn't work. I tried uninstalling it through the control panel, and it would just get to the blue screen. I restarted the computer again with Last Know Good Configuration, and uninstall Norton using Norton removal tool, thinking I could just install it. Of course I couldn't reinstall Norton. I have looked all over Google for answers but I am confused even more.

    Please I need some help! Thank you.

    Windows Xp
    512 ram
    1.80 mzh
    Dell dem 8200

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/810118.html

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