Here's an interesting one

    Date: 08/23/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    The Facts:
    OS: Vista Ultimate
    Outlook 2007
    Gmail account (333 messages total in gmail online box, earlies to of which is 7/21/07)
    MSN Account - dangerously full

    The problem:
    Out-bound email was always forwarding to both the user's blackberry and his iPhone. So he poked around with settings.
    Outlook stopped being able to receive ANY email.
    I blew away the settings and re-set them up, correctly..

    Now Outlook keeps downloading 413 new messages.
    The SAME 413 new messages... over and over and over again.
    I thought, perhaps, this was a combination of MSN and gmail, so I removed the MSN account... and it is STILL downloading the same 413 messages. Note - only 333 messages even in the gmail account according to gmail.

    And wait, there's more!

    The newest message being downloaded is older than the oldest message in the gmail account.

    Anyone have ANY idea what is going on here?


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