resolution troubles

    Date: 09/06/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: asp

    I just bought a new monitor and the optimum resolution is 1440x900. However, that's just not an option in the settings and thus I can't change it to that. I have it at 1024x768 but the aspect ratio is so out of whack that it's doing my head in. It's usable but everything is just blurry and not cool. Anyway, not being a computer whizz, I did a bit of googling and read something about drivers and video cards that doesn't really make sense to me. I think I updated my video card (to the best of my knowledge it's DirectX) but after restarting, no change there. Any help would be enormously... helpful. Thanks.

    eta: ah wait, my videocard is SiS (yeah, I used my brain and actually checked that one out) so I'm just downloading something that should work but I'll update here if it doesn't.

    eta 2: that's really just not working. it keeps bringing errors. and i try to uninstall and reinstall and THAT won't work either. it asks me if i want to uninstall and i click yes and nothing happens. i assume that it's done it automatically and go back to install and it says the old version is still installed. GAH.


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