RAW File System and Incorrect Function Error

    Date: 09/08/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    Hey all, curious to see if anyone has a solution to a disc-reading problem I'm having:

    My computer is an HP Pavilion a1104x (desktop) running on Windows XP. The drive is DVD +/- Writer and CD Writer drive. If anyone looking to help needs any additional info I'm happy to provide it.

  1. I received as a gift a data disc burned onto an HP dvd-r 16x disc (its about 4GB worth bunch of images, possibly .jpeg but I'm not certain.) When I insert it into my disc drive, autoplay presents it is a blank disc [Example 1.]

  2. When I pull up the drive in the My Computer window it recognizes that a DVD-R is present, but when I try to search/view/do anything with the disc I'm given an "incorrect function error." I've tried opening it with Roxio and Sonic and even some dvd reader/viewing software with no luck. I've tried restarting the computer and viewed other DVDs and CDs to be (relatively) sure its not something wrong with the drive (autoplay doesn't seem to want to bring discs up after all the yoinking around I've done, but I doubt its anything that can't be solved with a restart...) I've tried to reformat the disc but was presented with the same "incorrect function error" message [Example 2.]

  3. When viewing the properties of the disc it provides little information other than the file system used is listed as RAW. [Example 3.]

    I'd chalked the whole thing up to a bum disc or corrupted files or something like that until on a whim I tried the disc in my sister's computer (which is running Vista) and lo and behold - the images were all there. However she's unable/unwilling to lend me access to her computer in order to copy/burn the contents of the disc so that brings me back to square one in trying to figure out how to make this work on my computer.

    My question is: if this disc does indeed have content that's readable on Vista is there anything I can do (or am doing wrong) to view/copy the content in Windows XP? I've tried Googling an answer but a lot of the troubleshooting regards burning issues rather than file reading, etc. So I thank you muchly in advance for the help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/814829.html

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