can't get past black screen

    Date: 09/08/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a sony vaio desktop running XP. All of a sudden it decides that it won't load windows. I get the black screen that says "start in safe mode" "start last known good bla bla bla" etc.... but no matter what option I choose it keeps bringing me back to the same screen!!!

    I tried running my recovery discs, but after the Startup disc an error message pops up that says the disc is in the wrong volume or something, and insert disc into drive F.

    No, I don't have the actual Windows disc....pretty much all I have are the recovery discs I created myself.

    Can someone tell me what the hell is going on and how to fix it please?

    thanks in advance! it's been like this for almost two months now!


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