Linux/Suse problem

    Date: 09/09/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: linux

    I'm sitting on my dad's Linux/Suse... eh, operation system and the thing is that I'd like very much to install it on my own computer back home. The installation is not a problem in itself (at the moment since he has all the Cds and stuff) but what I'd really like to be able to is to see video clips and stuff. Like .avi etc. but the problem is that no media player works and we've tried to download players such as Mplayer, VLC etc. but it doesn't work!

    Which drives me a little bit insane.

    What player should work to watch things in? Do I need codecs? If so, how do I install it when nothing seems to work of what we've tried so far.

    We've tried going through the root user and just click on the installation icon, but that doesn't work. We've tried being on a non root user, but that doesn't work. We've tried going through the Installtion Source thing but that doesn't work either.

    What are we doing wrong? Do you have an suggestions? I'd REALLY like to be able to use Suse/Linux but if I can't watch video files, I might just die.


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