Date: 09/09/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    Had Windows re-installed.
    All drivers were updated.
    Windows said I needed updates - I updated them.
    Sound is not working.

    I found a RealTek HD Audio Driver on the RealTek website and downloaded it, unzipped the folder, and double-clicked set-up. It installed and then restarted the comp. Still no sound. When I go to Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager, all the devices say they're working properly and I can't update any of the drivers. If I go to Control Panel -> Sound and Audio Device, it says "No audio device". But if I click on the "Hardware" tab, it lists all the hardware and says that they're all installed properly.

    What can be going on?

    The computer worked find Wednesday night until Thursday night. Then after I did the Windows update, the sound stopped working.


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