Computer needs a boost

    Date: 09/15/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, ebay

    I need to update my computer and I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on the best way to do that.

    Basically, I just started editing videos on it, and it runs pretty slow during it.

    Do I need to get additional RAM, or, what would be best? I don't need it super fast, but I want to give it a boost so that the editing software runs better and stops freezing up.

    I don't have a whole lot of money to spend, but I plan to check eBay, etc.

    This is what I have right now.

    AMD 64 Athlon Processor 3800+
    2.4GHz+ 448 MB RAM
    60 GB free hard drive space

    What would you suggest I upgrade to?



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