Windows Media Player 9 'Skin Chooser' Tab Hangs??

    Date: 09/26/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: microsoft

    Ok, i've never had this problem before. I have XP home and I installed WMP9. Everything works fine except for the 'Skin Chooser' Tab. When I click on it, it hangs for like 1 minute (with the 'busy' cursor in front of black or white screen in WMP), and after it finally loads, it displays the skins available like normal, but selecting one of them also makes it hang for a while, but then it loads the skin properly. I've used WMP9 before I reformatted, and it never did this.

    It always ran smoothly. Now, i'm not sure why this is happening. All the skins are completely compatible skins that i've used before and never had any problems with. i've been looking all day for a way to repair/uninstall WMP9, but i've found that well, there is no way. I had System Restore off at the time it was Installed (despite the warning to turn it on .. stupid, I know) .. and so there is no way to completely remove it. I have no idea why microsoft would make it so embedded in the system so you could never remove it.

    That doesn't make sense and it's quite annoying. If you don't want to have something on your computer, you should be able to uninstall it if you want, but things like this make it feel like this is really Microsoft's computer and not really *your* computer, since they have control over what you do .. Anyways, My computer came with WMP 8 pre-installed, and I have no restore points before I installed WMP9. I tried reintalling it, the Skin Chooser Problem still occurs, one line of code that you put into your 'run' box and that's supposed to 'roll back' to a previous version .. that doesn't work, it simply prevents WMP9 from running so that you have to re-install it again .. and that's a waste of time, and basically, nothing works.

    If I can't find a solution to it, i'm this close to Backing up my data and Completely formatting and Reinstalling Windows again, but that's time consuming and I really don't want to do that .. so can someone help me with this problem? I would very much appreciate it, since I don't know what the problem is .. thanks alot :)


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