Can't view or copy to harddrive files from CDROM

    Date: 09/27/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello. I have a CDROM, just R not rewriteable, that I had put a whole lot of files on and I tried to view them but can't. I think the problem is that the files are 'read only'. I cannot change this though I have tried by right clicking the name and trying to untick the 'read only' box. It doesn't work.

    I can't view the file no matter what type and I can't copy the files to my computer.

    I think what happened is that I had copied the files to cdrom after loading them from a cdrom and that is how they became read only because I noticed that my files became read only if I copied them to my harddrive from cdrom. I must have copied them back to a cdrom later on and not realized the problem.

    I'd really like access to these files. Many are picture files that exsist on no other of my cdrom's.


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