viruses ruin my life

    Date: 09/29/07 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software, browser, virus, google

    A pox on virus writers. Damn you all, you complicate everything needlessly and should suffer accordingly! But you won't, which is the greatest injustice!

    Anyway. I got some virus protection software from Verizon, my ISP. Ever since then, when I click the "send" button in my browser as I'm composing emails with gmail (google mail), *nothing* happens. Other than the little depression graphic for the actual button looks like its being activated. But it LIES! Cause as I've said, nothing, in fact, happens. As in, the mail is not sent.

    Anyone know a fix for this? I've tinkered with the software, and haven't found a way to resolve this. I'm guessing its just a pesky setting, but I'm uber annoyed and if anyone has a fix I'd be much obliged. If not, I'll be satisfied with some sympathy. ^_^ I'm also open to the possibility that it might not be the software, and just a coincidence with something else, but I'm skeptical. I think the virus software is by far the most likely culprit.

    X posted


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